Monday 28 June 2010

Jampidsus Criticized Over Politic Statements

Attorney General's office has brought cases assessed administrative system of legal entity (Sisminbakum) into the political domain.

Yusril brother, Yusron Ihza Mahendra said the statement related Jampidsus Yusril inspection plan too leads to lust and personal ambition than law enforcement efforts.

"From the statement that can be punished Yusril stew of life is passion and ambition is very subtle. Also includes scented political ambitions to shape public opinion toward a heretic," he said in a short message received okezone, Tuesday (29/06/2010)

According to Conan Jampidsus not understand the root of the problem because they still mention the Non-Tax State Revenues (PNPB). Whereas funds generated from unspecified Sisminbakum President as PNPB.

Income countries, more Yusron, is divided into two, namely PNPB and revenues derived from taxes. Therefore, if no entry means the government has withdrawn PNPB tax.

"Therefore if he does not go PNPB it means that the government has withdrawn tax. And moreover the problem? As peengak Jampidsus law should not enter the political area by way of influencing public opinion," he concluded.